Democraps on taxes. Too much will never be enough.


Well-Known Member
Same Democrats, with the same threats they always make: If we don't raise taxes, we will never get out of debt. Also if we don't raise taxes, we will have no police department to stop crimes anymore. These fear tactics are an on going problem for communities all across the country. The piece of s#!t city of Stockton knows that they can use the same excuses every time. They never get tired, it never gets old. Every single election people are beat over the head with tax increases. This City's special election on Nov. 5th is no different. Democraps have no shame. They would take every last dollar from you in the name of "community and fairness" if they could. Increasing sales tax will have an adverse impact on our economy. Consumers will be leaving the city to make large purchases elsewhere. If Democraps want more revenue then they should lower taxes. That will increase economic activity, and at the same time would bring in MORE money to the government. But as usual, Democraps have everything ass backwards. Completely incompetent.


Well-Known Member
...they keep pissing down our backs and telling us it's raining.

...and if you want to see a Democrat's shining city on the hill just look at Detroit, a city run by Democraps for more than 50 years, see what a great job they've done!

...they want us to believe we are too weak and stupid to take care of ourselves and that they are our saviours while they rob us blind.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Capitalism brings wealth and opportunity. Whether or not people choose to take advantage of those opportunities is none of the government's concern. In fact, it could be said that politicians getting involved in the private sector breeds corruption, giving refuge to crony capitalists like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Both have a lot of power along with millions of dollars in questionable assets.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Capitalism brings wealth and opportunity. Whether or not people choose to take advantage of those opportunities is none of the government's concern. In fact, it could be said that politicians getting involved in the private sector breeds corruption, giving refuge to crony capitalists like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Both have a lot of power along with millions of dollars in questionable assets.
When ever a group of people choose someone like pelosi for a mouth piece, you got to wonder if they did that as a bad joke?.....She needs to go get that hammer she was packing and beat the dead beat healthcare customers into signing up so they can show the nation where the money is coming from..


Well-Known Member
Oh, Snap! I just noticed the thread title. that would make the opposition....Repuli-turds? Me likeee!


Well-Known Member
Oh, Snap! I just noticed the thread title. that would make the opposition....Repuli-turds? Me likeee!
"Republi-terds" doesn't really flow very well. It needs to sound close to the original word; like "Obomber"
Try it again, and make sure it has a good ring to it. Something catchy.



Undercover Mod

China is building mega planned cities. They are virtually empty. Deposits on these condos are 50% of purchase price so people can't buy them.

It allows the Chinese to build massive amounts of housing they don't need and avoid a housing bubble.


Well-Known Member
When there is a will, there is a way. The larger the government, the larger the disconnect it has with the needs of their people.

But when the people have a will, it can be truely remarkable:
When the Japanese destroyed a major part of our Navy at Pearl Harbor, American ingenuity rose up and created the most expansive naval fleet this world has ever seen.


Well-Known Member
When there is a will, there is a way. The larger the government, the larger the disconnect it has with the needs of their people.

But when the people have a will, it can be truely remarkable:
When the Japanese destroyed a major part of our Navy at Pearl Harbor, American ingenuity rose up and created the most expansive naval fleet this world has ever seen.
We built merchant ships.
We fought the war with ships already built or in the process of being built

Sorry buddy. You fail at history again