Department store weed. UN-effing-believable!


Well-Known Member
Sooooo, my step-daughter gets home last night from her part-time department store job and informed us that her manager, who was fired last week, wasn't fired for job performance or because half of the staff is stealing the store blind (all true) but because he was selling pot out of the store!!! I couldn't believe it! What's ironic is that our guy who'd been hooking us up for the last couple years suddenly went AWOL and isn't returning our calls or txt messages and we haven't (yet) been able to develop a new source. So here we are coming down to the last of what we have left to smoke, our plants won't be ready for another 2 months or so and we can't find a replacement and this fucking guy is selling this shit RIGHT OUT OF THE STORE!! My wife and I laughed our asses off when we found out.

BTW, I won't name the store but it's one of the high-end national chains. I scoured the newspapers for any info on this but saw nothing. I suppose they will keep it quiet to not tarnish they image.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty funny. when i worked out of a big box store i was pretty much doing the same thing with my roomate. i wouldnt be supprised if you couldnt walk into any shopping mall or store where there a lot of HS kids work and not be able to get some dank like "that". haha, mill around a college campus for an hour or so and you could find a hookup quik.


Well-Known Member
That's a fact but when people find out that I'm a stoner, they don't believe it at first. If you met me, you'd never know. I think if I approach someone I didn't know and asked where I could get some, they'd think it's some kind of set-up.