Depressed about first harvest


Well-Known Member
Toss it imo you've most likely handle it to much now if you harvested it id atleast wash anything that didnt look infected but def toss that bud

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear, I would be pissed and depressed too. You have to chalk it up to experience. My first harvest was horrible but I learned alot from that whole experience and now working on my second grow with way less mistakes. Don't give up next time will be better.


I am trying to salvage anything I can, even if it just will work as a good filler. And my fingers are sticky af so let's hope that it means I'll have something remotely decent for the winter... lol

Thanks for the good vibes, everyone. I definitely am bummed. How do I prevent this in the future? I was spraying weekly with BT. The rain in my area has been HEAVY (tropical storms) and muggy... is that what did my white widow in?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to salvage anything I can, even if it just will work as a good filler. And my fingers are sticky af so let's hope that it means I'll have something remotely decent for the winter... lol

Thanks for the good vibes, everyone. I definitely am bummed. How do I prevent this in the future? I was spraying weekly with BT. The rain in my area has been HEAVY (tropical storms) and muggy... is that what did my white widow in?
Mix a fungicide w your bt sprays. It helps alot but nothing's fool proof outdoors imo


Well-Known Member
Yeah high humidity especially with high temperatures is what does it.

I’ve seen people in the pnw that have giant fans on their outdoor plants because of that.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss. She was a good plant that did nothing to anybody. She will be missed.

Gawd I hate those little white butterflies. Use mesh netting over the plant next time?

I always hate finding bud tops laying on the ground.