Desert Growing


New Member
120 degrees out side 0% humidty wind is raging at about 30+ mph, a giant dust storm on the horizon comming right for my out door crop. Dust storm passes, ladies looking mangled but they are tuff they will servive.. Big piles of sand behind my 20 gallon pots so if there is sand on the ground their is probly sand in my nugz FUCK. This is a typical summer day here in the chawan desert, im not sayin desert like out in phenix or death vally, im talking DESERT, DESERTED way the fuck out in BFE tumble weeds, cacti, rattle snakes and methlabs. 60+ miles to walmart out in the desert, hey look there is mexico out in the desert. Life is harsh and unforgiving out in the desert, if u skip one watering tuff shit that plant aint comming back, this is what i gotta deal with growing in the desert. But the end results can be amazing if done properly.. So how do you grow in the desert, what are your techniques how do u deal with the heat,wind, and sand?