Desperate Help! Seeds Found...

N Buds

I'm right at the end of flowering my first grow... i've just taken a few little sample buds from the buds that have grown where I trimmed off the leaves and the original bud sites after setting the plant into a SCROG screen. It is day 62 of a reccomended 55-65 day flowering by the way.. so I quick dried these little buds, crumbled them up into a J finding 2 seeds in my fingers...

Is this normal?? Has the plant hermied?? I'm away tomorrow for 5 days and was already debateing whether to cut it today or wait til I get back - do I definitely need to do it tonight? I was fairly sure it would be ok til friday as there are still a good few white hairs...

Maybe these seeds have formed as they have grown from budsites already pulled from the plant pre flowering.. I don't know??

someone please help me!! I'm desperate and going away tomorrow... If I need to pull the plant I'm going to have to do it quick as I can only do it tonight and its late..


Active Member
let them ride till you get back, there is nothing you can do about pollination that has already occurred.


Well-Known Member
They could just be little hard resin balls which form sometimes. Neverthe less, look at all your nodes, and cut off any balls you see before any more plants go seedy.

Best of luck :)

N Buds

I'm certain they're seeds :(

Could someone enlighten me as to why this has happened? i've got another plant there next to it (female cutting) should I worry about that too?? the plant the seeds came from is feminized.. i'm a bit puzzled..


Active Member
That sucks. If you found seeds pollen must have been introduced to them somehow. Hermie sounds about right, hope not though.


Well-Known Member
What can you do now......???? of your plants must of's not a big deal.......cut them when they are done.....pick out all the seeds when they are dry......enjoy your smoke :mrgreen: