Desprately need some help !

Last nytt I switched my 250watt ballast to a 600wwatt. I had the 250 plugged into a 13amp extension cable from a mains wall socket. In that extension are ... 2 desk fans. And one extractor fan.
As soon as I plugged the ballast in, there was a bang from the ballest (small bang) and it had trippped the sockets in my house. I flipped it back on, took the fans out of the extension and plugged in the ballest alone. Again it blew.

I can't be over loading the socket can I ?
Maybe could I extend the wire on the actual ballast and plug it into a wall socket instead of a extension.

I'm really stumped on wat to do, I need to do summit quick time as I gave my 250 to my mate, and they are 3 weeks into flower !!


Well-Known Member
have you tried plugging the balllest straight into the wall socket without the bulb connected to see if the ballest works? if it still blows the fuse open the plug to see if its been wired properly, you might have a broken ballest.

13 amp extension is enough for a 600 light i run my 600 plus a fan on one.
yes , i did some reserch and 13amp extension is ample for up to 2400 watt . so it cant be a problem there. im going to try bypassing the extension (plug my ballast straight into the wall as you said) If this does work, im gunna have to extend the lead on my ballast as there are no wall sockets near my tent. And use a seprate extension for the fans


Active Member
there's other outlets attatched to that fuse right? what else do you have hooked up in that room or what else is running on the circuit.


Active Member
I dont like the fact that he said the ballast made a loud popping noise lol....Kinda makes me belive its just the ballast but as said above what else is on that circuit....? not jsut the one outlet but the entire can have mutliple outlets on one circuit most bedrooms and such do.
No I didn't like the 'popping noise' either. Its fine in the wall socket. Musta been the extension , can't think why, maybe the initial serge of power that is sent to th ballast. Anyway, on the same circuit, (same room) there is one extension from one socket with 3 fans plugged in. And now I have my 600w ballast plugged into a contactor on the wall socket. When I turn th light on 2mra plants will of been in 36 hour darkness due to my broken light. Bastard