Determining sexes


Active Member
Will I be able to tell the sexes of my plants in the 2nd-3rd month of growth? Also, where should I look and what should I look for to determine this. I've looked at guides to flowering, but they haven't really explained it well to me.


Well-Known Member
you need to look for preflowers, the plant gets ready for its babies kinda like a human the internodes, just behind the stipule at around the forth week of veg (i've seen it 2 weeks after germination) there will be ethier a small sack thats sealed and round(male) or an oblonged non-sealed sack with 2 little hairs coming forth from it(female).

internode: where the branches grow.
stipule: where the leaf comes off the main stem at an internode.


nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
just look at some of the nodes at the top of a plant, if their showing little green balls uproot them or your buds will have seeds.


Active Member
I'm having a hard time telling the difference between the plants, I took some shitty ass pictures maybe you guys can give me a hand. Sorry about the low quality, its a pos camera. I can take more pictures if need be, I was just in a hurry.



Active Member
Going to take a magnifying glass to em tomorrow, I'll keep you all updated if you want

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
looks to early and blury to tell. Try and get a clear close up shot of the very top nodes and we might be able to help.