DG in SW Ontario?


Active Member
Hey Everyone and Merry Christmas!

is there a list of trusted DG for Ontario? I’m getting my script for 80g and I am trying to find someone to help me out. I don’t have the room to do it on my property.
I think the days of DG'ing and trading weed for plant counts is mostly done imo. I could be wrong. But in the last few years on here anyway it seemed to flop anytime somebody asked. I think it was viable 10 years ago but now....I dunno
With how readily available ppl are dg licenses especially large ones are a thing of the past. Unless your willing to pay the grower a reasonable amount for your script every month.
With how readily available ppl are dg licenses especially large ones are a thing of the past. Unless your willing to pay the grower a reasonable amount for your script every month.
Ya I agree. After all, who wants to grow someone's weed for free. Ya right. I know I wouldn't outlay the kind of cash it takes to grow decent indoor and then give it away. Sounds like shit deal to me.