Diagnosis Please? [Pics]


About 10 days ago, I started this plant on a 12/12 schedule to induce sexing. So far, I haven't been able to see hairs or ballsacs. Maybe I'm just a newb. More concerning for me is the fact that my plant is starting to appear sick. Every day, it seems like more and more leaves are turning yellow. It's not affecting the whole plant, but they are prevalent. Thoughts? I included a few other pics showing what looks like "new growth" at the ends of the plant (you'll see what I reference). What is this .. just new growth? Anything I should know about?

Is the yellow harmless? Should I break off these leaves or just let them go?

As far as the age of this plant, I planted the seed I'd say the 3rd/4th week of May, so that puts it close to 3 months old.

I've read that over-watering is an issue, so I'm cautious in watering. The only thing I'm using at the moment is miraclegro, but my FloraSeries nutes are on the way. (Probably 2 more days shipping.)



Well-Known Member
well the fifth picture, looks like normal nutrient use but 10 days i way to fast for that,

do you ph you water? if not it might be nutrient lock out, the growth tips are starting to yellow and that is a good indication that it's not getting nutrients in some way.

If it looks like it's not growing anymore i'd think that it is a Calcium deficient. But the new growth tips would start dying.

But the main thing kinda looks like nut lock out.


Active Member
I would think it is the miracle grow. For flowering you need less nitrogen, more potassium. Until the flora nutes arrive, you will probably want to flush.


Thanks for the replies. I will stop the miracle grow. Can't wait for my FS to get here. As far as flushing, I heard of it, but don't really know what it is, or what it involves. I'll check out the FAQs, I'm sure the question was asked and answered many times. For what it's worth, as a first time grower / "this is a summertime project and I can't grow indoors" .. I don't even look at PH.

As far as everything else goes, I mean, do I have reason to be concerned? Will my plant make it through to budding, do you think?


Also: Should I be snapping anything yellow off, or is that yellow new growth OK to stay there? What about the larger leaves that have turned yellow? Thanks!


Active Member
No reason to be concerned, you already have the flower nutes on the way, and if you flush over the next couple of days everything that was built up will get cleared out (3 times the volume of the grow container, can be spaced out over a couple of days or can be done over the course of an hour or two). As far as taking leaves off, best thing to do is ask yourself "can that be fixed?" The leaf in picture 3 can go, the brown spots won't go away; picture 4 looks ok (no leaf damage) just a little yellow. The new growth in pic 5 should be fine. All in all, you are doing great. You had an issue develop, but you noticed it quick and took action. If the rest of your plant looked like the leaf in picture 3, we would be singing a different tune. Keep up the good work, jersey!


No reason to be concerned, you already have the flower nutes on the way, and if you flush over the next couple of days everything that was built up will get cleared out (3 times the volume of the grow container, can be spaced out over a couple of days or can be done over the course of an hour or two). As far as taking leaves off, best thing to do is ask yourself "can that be fixed?" The leaf in picture 3 can go, the brown spots won't go away; picture 4 looks ok (no leaf damage) just a little yellow. The new growth in pic 5 should be fine. All in all, you are doing great. You had an issue develop, but you noticed it quick and took action. If the rest of your plant looked like the leaf in picture 3, we would be singing a different tune. Keep up the good work, jersey!
Thanks Homey!