

IMG_0186.jpgyellowing leaves, while veins remain green, also has browning tips. any input would be good


idk, i use the reccomended amount on the label. and it says its guaranteed not to burn if used as directed.


IMG_0190.jpgIMG_0191.jpgIMG_0189.jpgas you can see there is yellowing of the leaves and browning of the leaf tips. thought it was an Mg problem so i added epsom salt to my water. seems to be helping but still not fixed. I'm thinking it might be Ca thats the problem seeing how there is no Ca in the nutes i am putting in.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1257483View attachment 1257484View attachment 1257485as you can see there is yellowing of the leaves and browning of the leaf tips. thought it was an Mg problem so i added epsom salt to my water. seems to be helping but still not fixed. I'm thinking it might be Ca thats the problem seeing how there is no Ca in the nutes i am putting in.
Its not calcium for 100% calcium def make little round brown spots all over the leafs starting on the outsides of them.


now that i think about it, there might be Ca already in the water, due to the fact that i'm using tap water. the only other think thats not in the nutes i'm adding is sulfur. perhaps its that??