I've been using it for 2 weeks now and no progress whatsoever. I used a whole 2 ounce bottle and bought another 6 ounce bottle because I used it so fast. I do 80 gallons of water a week. The 6 ounce bottle came real pasty so I had to add water to it and then pour it into the 2 ounce bottle so I could do the drops. Pissed about that as well.
How do I know it's not working........................yet? I pick up the pot, lightly bang it on the floor, and presto...........big fat black gnats all over the floor. Damn things have muscles. The ones on the top have party hats on and are drinking martinis and giving me the finger. The ones on the bottom are having an orgy 24/7. When I turn my computer on a bunch come sit with me and eat popcorn. They cheer when it's porn. If I leave any soil out they make new homes and construction starts asap. I'm thinking a small scale nuke to wipe out everything in a mile radius will be needed to eradicate.
I use a home depot bucket and fill it with 4 gallons of r/o water. Then I add my nutes and when that is set I add about 20 drops of the BMC and stir it well.
My plants are in 2 gallon pots in a soil mix. I top feed and and let the whole saucer fill up to the top so it drowns the little bastards living in the bottom of the pot. I wait about 10 minutes to make sure the bottom is good and soaked and then vacuum it all up. I repeat this every 3 days.
I know the adults live for a few weeks so I'm hoping this is at least killing the eggs. Starting to give up hope at this point. If they are not all dead in 2 more weeks I will throw this stuff out. Getting sick of having to work with poisons.