Did I FIM Correctly? 3 Week Old Plant - How long until recovery?


So today my plant is 20 days old since it sprouted. I attempted to FIM this plant a couple days ago. I used the pinch method instead of cutting, as I heard that it is less stress on the plant. I'm growing in Coco Coir & using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Coco Grow A&B @ 310 PPM. That's with tap water which is around 180 PPM. I have a 600W MH air cooled hood 18" from the top of the plant. 20/4 light schedule. Temperatures range from 79°F - 86°F, Humidity is around 45 - 55%.

I'm not exactly sure if I did the job correctly, as this is my first grow ever.

I tired to go off of this picture:

And pinched where the 'Fimm Cut Location' is labeled on the 5th - 6th node.

The only thing is, the plant is kind of droopy/wilting since then, which was 2 days ago since FIM. And to be honest, I'm not even sure if I even did anything but fuck it up haha, the branches have just grown out a bit.





Any tips to help this plant? How long until recovery? What could the droopiness be from?.. I don't think it's from over-watering because this just started happening not too long ago, the watering schedule I've been doing has been working fine since.
