Did I ruin my seeds?


Well-Known Member
I pulled some plants early because a storm was coming. Anyway I got about a hundred dark seeds. That day I pulled I sorted the seeds and left them in a container to dry for a few days after that I closed it for a week. I dropped about ten in a cup of water and after 24 hours I put them in the paper towel they been in the paper towel for about four days and no popped. I swear I did this before with success. Don't know what happend. Other seeds that I got from my uncle are popping wihin 24 hours .

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
my guess is the seeds are still too fresh. its takes a least a good month of drying the seeds before they will sprout.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Trigger dormancy of the seeds prior to attempting to germinate. Place in the refrigerator (not freezer) for 30 days+, then germinate as you normally do.


Carl said it well, dormancy... I also have to wonder if they had enough time to dry, you stated a few days and then in a sealed container... They may also need to shed a little more moisture which they would do in the fridge if not in a sealed container.


Well-Known Member
Weird I got a few to sprout directly off the plant took two days for them to pop sorry forgot to mention that. I will try to dry some for longer and put a bunch in the refrigerator. Thanx

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Carl said it well, dormancy... I also have to wonder if they had enough time to dry, you stated a few days and then in a sealed container... They may also need to shed a little more moisture which they would do in the fridge if not in a sealed container.
You are correct on the potential moisture problems. For the ones I keep for breeding purposes, I simply place a silica pack ,silicon dioxide (SiO2) in the container for storage and I've had zero problems with moisture so far. These of course are the little sealed packs with the warning "Do no eat" included in all kinds of stuff. Allowing them to dry out for several weeks before storage helps. High rates of germ. thus far as well.


Well-Known Member
I have them in a container with the silica. Weird I never had a problem germing my seeds before. That's ok let this be a lesson.


Well-Known Member
The bit of peroxide keeps everything sterile. Seeds/seedlings are at the weakest point of their lives and extra susceptible to rot, bacteria, fungus etc.


Well-Known Member
I gave a friend some of the beans and he got 4 out of 4 to sprout he said that after one day of being in a cup of water he cracks the seeds with his fingers by squeezing it.