Did my plant sex itself already? Early hairs!?


Active Member
If I were growing 2 BIG BUD and 4 Mazan-Afg mix what does one do.
They are all doing great under 42w soft white cfls. Although one is under a 26w daylight and it really stretches for the light unlike the others. So I think everyone is right when saying USE DAYLIGHT CFLS FOR VEGE!

ANYWAY, one of the 2.5 week 6" big buds has hairs! Little 2 prong orange hairs coming from the stem.

Here is the question..... starting at 24 hours light for the first week then dropping to 21 on 3 off and its been like that. Is it the light spectrum coming from the Soft whites that is making the plant want to flower?

If you were to switch all the 42w softs to 26w days will it stress the plant somehow if one still wants to vege?

At this point would one just consider leaving them be with the 42s and go right to flowering now?

All tips and answers are welcome. I will post some pics of the plants and room sometime today.


Active Member
nobody can help me out with this? nobody has see sexing without trying for it before (indoors)? has anyone ever heard of pre sexed hairys?


Well-Known Member
If I were growing 2 BIG BUD and 4 Mazan-Afg mix what does one do.
They are all doing great under 42w soft white cfls. Although one is under a 26w daylight and it really stretches for the light unlike the others. So I think everyone is right when saying USE DAYLIGHT CFLS FOR VEGE!

ANYWAY, one of the 2.5 week 6" big buds has hairs! Little 2 prong orange hairs coming from the stem.

Here is the question..... starting at 24 hours light for the first week then dropping to 21 on 3 off and its been like that. Is it the light spectrum coming from the Soft whites that is making the plant want to flower?

If you were to switch all the 42w softs to 26w days will it stress the plant somehow if one still wants to vege?

At this point would one just consider leaving them be with the 42s and go right to flowering now?

All tips and answers are welcome. I will post some pics of the plants and room sometime today.
Marijuana plants do flower better under redder spectrums of light like soft white(2700k) and HPS Lights (2200k) and their are a few strains that will preflower under lots of red light, BUT, I think what u are describing is a stipule not a pistil(female flower), male and females have stipules.They start of green and then get orange and dry after period of time. do the hairs that u describe stick out from a calyx or are they adjascent to each other? Pistils dont turn orange until late into flowering, female flowers will start of white, yellow, or bright pink, and rarely blue.Also pistils will more than likely show first on budsites and the main cola not along the main stem where not much light penatrates. pistils will grow in pairs from within a calyx, stipules simply pertrude from the stem near nodes.

-P.S.- Using daylights(6500k) during veg is best because the spectrum of light promotes branching, root, and leaf growth. If Soft Whites and Daylights are used at the same time, you will notice the plants will actually stretch towards the blue colored daylights,BUT, Soft whites(2700k) can be used for the entire grow. Switch to all 2700k for flowering.


Well-Known Member
those are called "preflowers" they are very common and only appear for a few nodes during the beginning stages of vegging. your plant is NOT flowering. unless it's an autoflowerer.


Active Member
great guys you got it for me. I have just taken my first lesson in advanced marijuana growth. when it is legal one day i hope to teach cannibas studies.

BLAK MASK: good explaining....also i did switch to daylights for about a week. I am now going to flower on day 21. They are only 5-6 inches tall but one is very bushy. they look good. I am only looking for 2 females out of my 5 plants i figure (more if lucky) ....then i can gat maybee an ounce between the two of them girls.


Well-Known Member
great guys you got it for me. I have just taken my first lesson in advanced marijuana growth. when it is legal one day i hope to teach cannibas studies.

BLAK MASK: good explaining....also i did switch to daylights for about a week. I am now going to flower on day 21. They are only 5-6 inches tall but one is very bushy. they look good. I am only looking for 2 females out of my 5 plants i figure (more if lucky) ....then i can gat maybee an ounce between the two of them girls.
when using CFLs a veg time of 16-21 days is optimal veg time. This is because Marijuana usually doubles or even quadruples in size once flowering is induced.
CFL lighting only has enough light to penetrate about 24 in. of growth so plants bigger than that will result in outgrowing a grow space, fluffy buds and possibly diminished yield.

P.S.- I always veg at 16-21 days and my girls finish at 20-24 inches tall
My last grow with 4 bagseed, all turned out to be female, using lots or all daylight(6500k) lighting during veg promotes more females,


Well-Known Member
BTW, I also dont think those are preflowers because it takes 4-6 weeks for a plant to show preflowers and seeing that i only veg 16-21 days, i only ever see preflowers on my clones because they are mature plants, usually having a genitic age of about 1-12 months. Trust me, those are just dried up stipules but post some pics so i can be sure.


Active Member
he's right they're not preflowers they're stipules, pre flowers will come in behind those stipules at the internode once you put it on a 12/12 schedule. lots of people mistake those for hairs in the beginning.


Active Member
you are right. the just dried up and broke off. so when i am ready to see the flowering it will come right behind the old shitty stipules?

BLAKKMASK- i heard that the daylight promotes females so i switched for about 4-5 days before I went into 12-12 with the 42s. I will do all daylight vege next time.

thanks for the tips guys.


Well-Known Member
you are right. the just dried up and broke off. so when i am ready to see the flowering it will come right behind the old shitty stipules?

BLAKKMASK- i heard that the daylight promotes females so i switched for about 4-5 days before I went into 12-12 with the 42s. I will do all daylight vege next time.

thanks for the tips guys.
Thats True. I have a post on here that shows my setup. I use 12 lights in all for my flowering setup, 8 - 42watt(2700k) and 4 - 23watt(2700k), BUT, during the first 2 weeks of flowering, I leave 4 of 23watt(6500k,i use 12 in all for veg) in the place of 4 of the 42's, My Plants show faint signs of sex at 7-9 days. Full on flowering at 12 Days. So I now do it for all grows and always get early signs of sex. I Recommend using ALL 6500k during Veg., Because it promotes female genetics during the times when the plant starts to dtermine what sex its going to be (2-3 weeks), using the bluer spectrum gives it an extra push to be a Lass. Other factors like humidity, heat, stress, and genetics also determines a strains M/F Ratio.