didnt get much help from newbie, so someone give it to me straight...


First time grow, need some help.
Im on 20/4 light right now, and the plant is booming, however i just want to make sure i didnt accidentally send into flower when i added some lights. These little "pods" im seeing arent showing me a male plant are they?? i didnt change the light time just added more light.


shittttt but how, i didnt even come close to trying to flower or anything. and his name is going to be inthegarbage in a bout an hour


Well-Known Member
Or. I could be wrong and they could be new Deformed growtsites for branches :D keep HIM/HER and findout

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
male, no doubt. some show sex sooner than others... the older they get the more they are inclined to show, even in veg stage. that's sorta under the leaf far away from the light too, this may have helped. be glad you know now and not weeks from now.


New Member
jesus christ man how could you not tell? those balls are almost as big as mine.

id tell you to grow it out since its your only one, but because the sacks are so large they look about ready to burst soon, if anything chop it all up and make iso hash out of it, i dont know how many people
i tell this but dont throw your males away, usually newcomers..

they make excellent iso hash, that is just as good as any dank out there. ive done it many a time and i never, never! throw my males away such a waste they still produce small amounts of THC.

if your not sure how to make iso hash just type "iso hash" in youtube and plenty of people will be happy to show you how, look for a good video though and dont go the ghetto route its not worth it. if anything make sure you have a large flat bottom
glass plate that is long, a heater and isopropyl alcohol thats 91% can find it at walmart.

i find it even more odd i see im the only person who even mentions this, everyone is like throw it away. such a mistake, especially if your not growing more than 4 plants it worth making hash out of them.


Active Member
Grow it flower it .Is it your only plant?(If not get away it from the rest). It will give you something to smoke the pollen could be harvested for futrue females......What strain???????