Dieing, bad yellowing.


Active Member
Okay, so here they are, couldn't get a recent picture, but they are about a week older than these, and about twice as bad as they are. There is new growth on a couple of them, but the new growth on the smaller plants is frayed and looks eaten away at the edges of the leaves, but there are NO bugs.

I watered with half strength organic nutes 2-.5-1.5 per suggestion from these forums. It did nothing but decrease the rate of yellowing progression, the PH is somewhere between 6.8 and 7.2. I do not know where to go from here, expert advice is needed, ALL the older fan leaves are drooping and dieing off, turning yellow. I will try to upload some new pics later tonight, any advice anyone can give me will help, here is a link to my previous post.

I also gave them a really good flushing prior to feeding them half strength nutes, and then watered today...6 days later they are in 5 gallons buckets.


Anyways, there is no way it can be a nitrogen deficiency if that is your first thought, I gave it plenty of nitrogen, there are zero nute burn marks.

I have never had a problem like I'm having now.


Well-Known Member
look a lil thirsty and it wouoldnt hurt to get a bigger pot maybey even double up that one and just cut bottom off that will give u a much fatter stem gl