Difference between fetiliser and nutrients?


Hi, I know this must be a stupid question but I haven't been able to find an answer to it:

What's the difference between fertiliser and nutrients? It seems like they both 'feed' the plant by giving it a combination of NPK and micronutrients, but everyone is saying that they need both a bag of fertiliser and a bottle of liquid nutrients?

Just to clarify, to grow a good plant, for the stuff it's planted in I need:
-nice aerated soil that can hold and drain water

And that's it?


Well-Known Member
im not sure of the dictionary definition here but in my own head a 'fertilier' would be a bag of sumthing solid(ish) that you mixed thru soil with a spade or by hand, whereas a 'nutrient' would be a liquid that you add to water and pour into the soil. ive never used any fertilisers during a grow although i do know many who use bat guano, fish and bone meal or worm casings but all you really need are just a cpl of bottles of basic nutes, especially at first, don't over-complicate yourself untill you've got the basics down.


Active Member
fertilizer is an umbrella term for nutrients, for example like how sparkiling water falls under carbonated drink...
more like a subdivision...just like supplements and minerals...
and bags of fertilizers are mainly for bigger scale growth which are prenuted, and is normally mixed with the medium...
hope it helped.