differing Marijuana growth techniques which affect differeing effects


Hi ,I have 2 plants which were initially grown under lamps,of which i have no info .I got the seedling plants and have now been growing in pots indoors with natural light.They are now a foot and 10 inches respectively.
O.K, I will jump in and ask my questiom . I was wondering what ,if or any,of the differing growth enviroments and or techniques effects the levels of different canabinoids -[THC,CBD ,and a few other chemicals of which the names of which elude me] effect the ''high''.For example a friend grew some once in natural light which had a high which did not have the slight anxiety effect which most weed I have smoked had.This weed just had that slight sedative ,nice ,comfortable ,'none rushy' feeling.This weed I would like to produce.Initialy when we tried this weed on our own we thought the feeling was subjective but after what basically ammonted to a trial we found that it was not in our heads but was indeed in the weed .
So ,if any one could find it in their heart to impart some of their wisdom I would be most greatful and please feel free to ask pertinent questions as I may have left important info out ,thankyou for slogging it to the end of my verbose question.