Difficulty Determining Harvest Time......What do you think????

Chronic Czar

Active Member
First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!!
Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details:
White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9 weeks / Have been flushing with ph adjusted water for 1 week.
Please review the photos and help me determine approximately how much longer to harvest. I have to leave this plant for 2 weeks before I return. Do you think that it would be better to harvest now or wait 2 weeks. If I wait will I miss the peak?
Any advice you can provide will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Some time to go yet. Do yourself a favor and get a jewelers lope or some other small mag (30x+) and inspect your trichomes. Its really the best way of going about it. Clear = not ready, cloudy = head high, amber = couchlock. find the ratio that you prefer from there. i am more of a 50% cloudy 50% amber person myself.