Dilemma or however you spell it>


So i got a 4 foot tree growin, female:clap:, just entered flowerin a few dayz ago and it has recently come to my attention that some of the shady people that i kno have found out about it.

so knowing this im am very paranoid that some of these fool are goin to jack me.
i was thinkin transplant but i dont want it goin arwy like all the other times i have but if i leave it i feel as if i might have just wasted the whole grow season



Active Member
So i got a 4 foot tree growin, female:clap:, just entered flowerin a few dayz ago and it has recently come to my attention that some of the shady people that i kno have found out about it.

so knowing this im am very paranoid that some of these fool are goin to jack me.
i was thinkin transplant but i dont want it goin arwy like all the other times i have but if i leave it i feel as if i might have just wasted the whole grow season

If it's stressing you out, transplant it.

Just be careful not to damage the roots.


Yeah i just realized there a stone slab odstructing any tranplant since im pretty sure the roots are all spread out underneath it now.
Im thinking about just goin rambo and camping with her for the next three weeks but that might be a little rash


Well-Known Member
ya man.. transplant it... whats the worst that can happen??? it dies?? well if u leave it, it might get stolen and ull have nuffin either


Dig it up, move it cause they are gonna steal it.. remove some fan leaves after the transplant, cause the disruption of the roots is gonna kill some leaves off any ways, so go nuts and remove a bunch of leaves.. and water the hell out of it for the first few days or until you notice that their is no limpness of leaves and limbs.. you will do just fine..