Dinafem - Cheese scrog


Well-Known Member
This is Dinafem - Cheese with the Scrog method
i was wondering if i can get some feedback
im not sure im doin it right or not lol i got the ones you see stickin threw waitin for them to get big/tall enough to "bend" or "weave" back under the chicken wire




Well-Known Member
looking good mate remember to fill the screen before switching to 12/12 to get the best results


Well-Known Member
not sure yet gonna try and get the center of the screen filled a little better before i switch over to 1212


Well-Known Member
yeah thats true, i trimmed around probably half an oz of leaf that was blocking light and i noticed a real difference with the new nodes and internodes


Well-Known Member
i took some pix this morning before pulling some back under i also trimmed away a lot of leafs yesterday and added some foxfarm grow big and seen noticed a difference today so thats awesome, but i been thinkin about fim/topping the main outter branchs so i will do that later today and take a pix when thats done, but ill upload all the pix later after i top em


Well-Known Member

Some update pix i think this is the 3rd day after bing topped but enjoy lots more pix to come
comments and advice is always welcomed


Well-Known Member
Looks good man I'm excited to follow a scrog that's further along than mine. You can be my guinea pig!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! and its rather easy , i cant wait to see how it looks in a few days when the new branches from where i topped really take off