Dire Emergency!!

So my baby plants, and i mean baby like only a week out of the ground, were mauled by a vicious armadillo :cuss:last night. So they are destroyed, or so i thought! I found this one (picture below) and the root is still strong but i dont know how recent the attack happened. I need to know if replanting her will save her, or is it a lost cause?



Active Member
Sorry mate.... May be worth starting afresh.

I would recommend keeping all seedlings indoors till at least 4'' growth, then protecting access to them outdoors.
I had them on a screen porch, but somehow that critter managed to get up there, tore into the pots and everything. I found this one buried under all the dirt. Just sucks to have to start over. I'll probably plant it anyway, guess it wouldnt hurt to try

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
So my baby plants, and i mean baby like only a week out of the ground, were mauled by a vicious armadillo :cuss:last night.
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hi sorry for your loss but this is just something you dont hear everyday. i have had mine destroyed by raccoons. they kept getting into my garbage so i move the cans inside. they got mad and tore up everything especially all my seedlings so i know your pain. they even chewed up all my nozzels on my gas cans that used to be outside.

and again im sorry because the armadillo part made me laugh a little.

good luck on a fresh start and find a way to make them armadillo proof.