

Well-Known Member
I'm not in the most friendly MMJ county in.... hold on let me say that I am a little medicated right now and I meant to say....

I had this dream about a buddy that has a few very close personal friends that are tired of having to pay high prices on MMJ because the only place to get it locally is like 65-85 1/8th and driving to other legal establishments to obtain these meds spends like $30-40 in gas, so anything less than an OZ just doesn't make much sense unless you car pool then getting everyone on the same... ok enough of the rant you get my point and background....

I hand this idea for a screen play and need to do a little extensive research so this fictional story can be somewhat believable, ok? So help me with with some ideas... You see I already gave you the background, the rest starts to go like... These guys started a hobby and started thinking that they were going to benefit from this hobby why not let some of the other local MMJ patients benefit, but these small current crops would not be able to satisfy a heathy demand of card carrying MMJ patients in the area they live in for now. These guys have the opportunity and are wanting to start some kind of competition for the local guys, see if they can lower local market prices and at the same time be compensated for the time and effort, you know? If they started a MMJ co-op, are there reputable MMJ vendors? I mean I know they order edibles from places, I mean they would need to be able to offer a better variety... I heard that Oaksterdam had a vendor but that is pretty far from where this story takes place...

Help me think of a way that they figured out how to make contact with good bud.. I mean good guy vendor that somehow saves the day in a later chapter... I dunno maybe this part is played by Bruce Willis in the movie... LOL

I hope nobody gets offended and all have a good sense of humor about this thread and maybe we get a good chuckle :mrgreen: and an imaginative fictional story is well written...

:joint: well like I said I am pretty medicated :joint:bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke: if this is out of line I apologize no offense was meant..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am in a county like that to. Maybe we live close? I donno but if I want to go to the co-op then, yeah, it cost me 40 bills gas and 65bux+ for the meds. That is crazy!! Thats why I can't really afford to go to the club. They say its because they don't want to fuel the black market (so if they make their prices high enough no one can resale it) or that they have such a high overhead (all those flatscreen tvs and security doors cost money!!) but you know whats really up. If they make enough money to pay all the bills shouldn't they give the meds away for free after that? I don't really get it. They make millions in a matter of months and it is a non profit org so where is the rest of the money going after they pay for the rent, meds and employees?

Have you ever seen weeds? I think they stole your idea!!


Well-Known Member
Also if you have been to the club they have MAD vendors coming in all day. I usually take a backpack with me when I go to the co-op that has all my medical papers in it and a lot of the time I get asked if I am vending to the club.


Well-Known Member
No plasma TVs or marble:cry:, sorry.

I went to one place, OMG, black glass, marble, faux paint job, 6 plasma's.
The sick people are picking up the tab.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
You got any WW right now? Those prices are way reasonable!!!
but in a couple of months we will have around 7-8 strains. i posted a list in my "new coop in the high desert" thread. i believe the list may also b on my myspace site, linked below.
love, peace and cannabis


New Member
I am a little tired of the misdirections people have about dispensaries.If they provide a service they are entitled to profit by their works.All the other jobs have perks.Do you realize it's the growers that make most the profits.You have the dispensary owners paying wages,,Unemployment.City,state and federal taxes.Losses due to theft or expiration dates.Brick and Mortar,Which entails Rent,Utilities,Phone,water,Insurance,Security,Shop supplies,Toilet paper.paper towels,Soap,Bags.Fresh Fruit.Maid service so you can sit on a clean toilet.The list is endless and you should consider what the Growers are making.
The growers have their own set of expenses too.If you want cheap weed,Grow your own and you will have allot to learn.:idea:


Well-Known Member
I am a little tired of the misdirections people have about dispensaries.If they provide a service they are entitled to profit by their works...
I agree that they should profit, this is what starting a 'business' is all about, usually. Yes I am very aware of the fact that all business' have more costs then most realize and I agree the grower's portion is a major % of that cost. Hell, I love the guys that run it they are very cool guys and I hope they are making enough money to keep them in business for a very long time, no matter what that is. I just said I was/we were tired of paying $75-80 8th.

But... While I know, the place I speak of is taking on a greater than normal risk being open in a county that is very unfriendly to MMJ, this is a two edged sword for a Dispensary around here.

In this area compared to those in LA or Hollywood where the environment is much more friendly to this type of business; the cost of doing business is typically lower (rent for one, is at least 40% less, if not 60-70%). If you are opening up in an unfriendly MMJ city your probably not getting a business license for the real type of business you own. If this is the case, you probably are not paying city taxes and if you don't charge sales tax, you probably are not paying state taxes, if you don't pay state taxes you sure as hell aren't paying the feds and more than likely you aren't paying employment taxes. Legal fees, this is hopefully a similar cost but I am sure this will vary depending on who you have helping you but they are pretty similar in both areas, but in friendly areas I would have to assume it is more $ short term and less long term.

Then there is product; next to the people expense, this IS the major expense right? Now, I know this is where the bulk of the cost is and it can vary depending on where/how you get it. But, overall the prices are not that far off on a wholesale basis. I mean at most top end, top grade, bomb digity dank is $4k lb and that is top end no bargain Jo Smo guess your the only game in town kind of pricing, almost retail.

So, Riddler; riddle me this one:

If you just look at the major expenses associated with a dispensary between an area that is friendly and one that is unfriendly you find the following:

Friendly areas = More expensive overhead (rent, people, taxes, Ect.), same legal expense and a bit lower cost of product.

Non-Friendly areas = Less overhead (rent, people, taxes, Ect) same legal expense and a bit higher cost of product.

So why is it MORE expensive in this Non-Friendly area? :confused::confused:

I'll wait to give you my answer till I hear some others...

Remember this is all a dream I had and an idea for a play, book or movie some day..... :mrgreen:


New Member
Unless you invest time,knowledge.energy,support and a hole lot more into personal growers you cant compete.That's is what we our setting into play now.Take a grower bring him up and later you hope he'll be loyal.:neutral::roll:


Well-Known Member
...everyone out for themselves.
Very true, but the point I was making is that people in this area are paying these prices because there is no true competition. I mean sure, there are delivery services but they are running close to those prices too and you don't get to stop in on a whim and look and feel before you buy. This is true of most business' and very apparent with this one, they have slowly (relatively) built a cliental that prefers walk-in to delivery and have done so on word of mouth and very limited advertising and I am sure with their business model they needed those prices to make it worth the risk they are taking. However, if they had some competition that was priced lower; they would keep some of their patients, like the very local ones, but the majority of those that drive more than about 20 minutes would more than likely be lost once they know about the lower prices (of course it would have to be comparable quality).