Disposing of plants


Well-Known Member
I'm a ways into my first grow and the plants are beginning to show sex. It's not far along enough yet for me to tell what's what, but I know that any day now I'm gonna have some male plants to get rid of. So that leads me to the issue of disposal. How do you guys go about getting rid of unwanted plants? Throwing them in the trash seems like a bad idea. I've read that some people find a nearby dumpster, but that also seems like a good way to get caught as far as I'm concerned. Is burning them an option? Obviously if they smell like ganja that's a no no, but I've never burned any part of the plant other than the bud to know. I've got a compost pile I use for my garden but it usually takes 2 or 3 months for plant material to break down, and there's always parts of it that never do. So I'm torn here and I'm hoping one of you guys might have an idea that I haven't though of.....thanks!! :-)

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I have a plant that is sick for some reason or maybe I have too many I take the unwanted plants downtown on a Sunday. I carry them to the top floor of an tall building and toss them over the side and then hide in the bathroom for an hour or so. If I don't have time to do that then I will just drive around my neighborhood until I find a street where nobody is outside and then I stuff the plants in somebodies mailbox. Tampering with the mailbox is a felony so you want to be quick. Hope this helps.


Active Member
drive to a further away dumpster.. or make minute amounts of hash with it... once the resin it gone it might not smell the same in a burn.... (complete theory on my part). Oh, and canna butter... which I hope that is what looker is referring to, possibly upset stomach with pure foliage... but who knows.


Well-Known Member
OK, not a smartass answer.
Grind them up in your blender then flush them.
You might try burning a little in your BBQ, IDK if the stems and stuff smell or not.................. I imagine they do a little, but if you're doing some ribs while you do it, who's going to notice?
Let us know if you try it.


i start huge fires and then bag them in garbage bags and burn them accordingly, never had a problem doing this


Active Member
Grind them up and sprinkle them around in your yard and house. Everywhere. If a drug sniffing dog ever has a reason to come to your house, he will alert everywhere and be virtually useless.


Well-Known Member
Just cut them up to 6-12 inch pieces and place in a plastic bag. Let sit outside for a week. Then when you have leftovers from dinner throw that in the bag and right in the trash. And believe it or not garbage guys don't look in the trash. They have a route to fallow. The faster they get it done the sooner they go home. If there is a dead body they will call the cops but they don't want to slow there route down at all. And if you keep your can clean and no trash around they won't even do anything but dump your trash and on to the next one.


Well-Known Member
Burning them won't give off a smell. I've burnt it before. It just smells like any old burning plant.

Now i just throw them in the trash. They can't track garbage bags back to your house.


I have burned leftover bags of fan leaves and stems in my fire place and it didn't seem to create a particularly weedy smell. With all the smoke from the wood it just sort of blended in. I prefer to use my compost pile. If you chop the pieces up and don't just throw the whole plant in there it shouldn't take all that long to break down into unrecognizable material. Make sure to add lots of food scraps, turn it in, and keep the moisture level right.


Well-Known Member
In the summer I dump it on the ground behind the garage where no one can see then run it over with the lawn mower a few times.

Holy crap that's it!! Why didn't I think of that. I think we have a winner. Thanks for all the ideas everybody. I don't feel so paranoid about it now.


Well-Known Member
Let them dry out. Mow them up when you mow the lawn. Empty it out. Mow again. Empty out and mow for a third time. between the grass and the plant you wont even be able to tell.


Well-Known Member
Seriously just work it into the compost pile... no one will be looking through that stinky shit. Cover them with lawn cuttings and you will have some nice compost.


Well-Known Member
put em in a bag and take it down to the local car wash and throw it in their garbage. They generally dont have hidden cameras at a car wash.


Well-Known Member
I have an open fire so i burn mine. I cut it up into 3/4 inch bits, leave it for a few weeks in paper and burn it a little at a time. Make sure you have a nice big fire burning hot as to make it quick. As far as i have noticed it doesnt smell like weed, just plant matter.

Happy smokes


Active Member
Compost Yes! Burn Yes! Oil Yes! Done em all. The Oil is a great way to learn the hash

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I have another idea. Put all of the unwanted plants in a box and mail it to your address but with a different name on the address label. When the package arrives just refuse it or write return to sender and put it back by the mail box. Now it becomes USPS's problem and your free and clear. Hava nice day