Disproportionate growing - Help!


Active Member
Hey guys,
I'm in need of some major help. I've got two plants growing from bagseed, and I'm having problems controlling the growth of one vs the other.
Because CFLs need to be close to the plants, I'm struggling to keep my "reflector" close to one plant as it's very small and bushy compared to the other which is getting much taller (as seen in the picture).
Is there anything I can do to promote growth of the shorter/stockier plant? My CFLs are just not close enough to it anymore. They're also getting too close to the taller plant (slight burning of some of its top leaves).
Thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
As long as the plants are healthy, who cares? They look to have the same size pot, same strength/distance for lights. Do you water them the same amount? Do they get the same amount of nutrients? Is the temperature the same?

Since you mentioned they're bagseed, it's possible you have two different strains. Sativa dominant will have a thinner typical marijuana image leaf, where as Indica dominant will have wider, more tree-like leaves. Sativa's like to grow tall and more spread out, where as Indica's remain shorter and bushier.


Active Member
As long as the plants are healthy, who cares? They look to have the same size pot, same strength/distance for lights. Do you water them the same amount? Do they get the same amount of nutrients? Is the temperature the same?

Since you mentioned they're bagseed, it's possible you have two different strains. Sativa dominant will have a thinner typical marijuana image leaf, where as Indica dominant will have wider, more tree-like leaves. Sativa's like to grow tall and more spread out, where as Indica's remain shorter and bushier.
Well, I guess the picture doesn't do justice. One plant is considerably further away from the CFLs compared to the other. And I know for CFLs to work at their best, they need to be close to the plants. Well they're not fully reaching the smaller plant.


Active Member
Well, I guess the picture doesn't do justice. One plant is considerably further away from the CFLs compared to the other. And I know for CFLs to work at their best, they need to be close to the plants. Well they're not fully reaching the smaller plant.
i dot have much experiance with your problem but from what i have read and seen in your pictures if it were me since they are still in veg stage i would top the taller one and save it as a clone and by the time the clone roots the one you have topped should have two new tops in it as well then i would turn the room to flowering and get three big fat colas of the plant on the right counting the clone and solve my light problem as well. cuz from the looks of it you will need to be flowering pretty soon anyway.


Active Member
How much farther are we talking about? Even with the bulbs at 6-7 inches above, it shouldn't be stretching. Since you mention it's burning the leaves it's likely close enough.

Bag seeds aren't all going to grow the same, even if it's from the same stash. It's a lot like mutt dogs that all come out looking different. Most likely, that tall one will stretch WAYY out when you flip it over to flowering no matter how close you get the lights. If it starts growing into the lights, you'll need to top it before the 14th day of flowering.

It looks like you're running out of space. You'll need to make sure you can handle double or triple the height they are now. At this point I would top & FIM both plants to equal height, and give it another 2-3 weeks again veg. You could top and FIM again after another 2-3 weeks and flip to flower. It'll get them nice & bushy.


Well-Known Member
I stack a couple things like books or boards or something under the pots to prop my plants up closer to my lights. I'm not sure how its setup, but it might work. Hope you get it figured out. Plants look good by the way.


Active Member
Those are some pretty good lookin plants. I wouldn't be too worried, they are likely just different phenotypes of the same strain, or one could be male and one could be female. I wouldn't be worried at all, they look perfectly healthy. If you want to slow down the taller one you can always top it so it'll grow bushier and let the other one catch up a bit. The main problem that could arise is if that is gonna be your flowering box you are gonna have to start flowering soon cuz you can't have those plants gettin all burned in the lights.