dissecting Large widow colas


I am hoping someone can tell me how to snip the very large colas buds off. I have to do this and I do not want to screw this up. Thank You for any help and advice. The reason the colas must be cut up is because I have no choice but use automated trimming and rack drying. Security and privacy are the have reasons.


Well-Known Member
Ok im sure you have an idea where you want to make the cut. Now look for the closest node to where you want to cut. The node in simple is where the leaves protrude from the plants stem. Now take a strong pair of sharp cutters or scissors and snip the bud off just above the node. Now trim, dry, cure and smoke on Garth.


Thanx very much. My primary concern was and is not be focused and really mess things up. First real grow. For real.


Well-Known Member
When you start trimming you will see the stems. Just cut there. After a few times your gonna want a dunce hat for worrying. Lol. That was a joke.


First thanx for taken the time to help me. Harvest will be 11.07. , 120 days widow flower. I'm freakin out cuz I have choice but to automate harvesting. I and don't want screw up these really cool colas. Thanx. I consider "dunce" to be respectable rating with the insanity I've put myself thru. LOL Thanx again.


Well-Known Member
This type of amputation is one of the few times you use scissors rather than a razor. I think the scissors-action
squeezes the stem where the cut is and helps close the wound.

Kill 2 birds,eh? Cut off the top 8 inches and treat is just like a clone. Bevel the bottom cut and remove one set of leaves.

Good luck, BigSteve.