DIY 12v Dc A/C

So I was thinking of ways i could keep my area cool without having to use my portable A/C which has a max output of 900W :roll: which is going to seriously raise the electric bill more then i would like it to. Plus obviously the a/c unit for the rest of the apartment is on quite often so i am hoping to cut the portable one out for a lot of the time with just the power it takes to run a small desk fan or a good pc fan.

I've been learning a lot here at rollitup for the last year or so and i have never run into anything on this really so im sorry if this has been discussed before.

Anyways i got this idea from a video on youtube, to lazy to post the link but its a pretty simple idea. This guy used a igloo ice cooler (average size) made a whole for the fan in the lid (fan blows into the cooler) then another hole on the opposite side of the lid for a vent with a pvc elbow. That's it, you are done lol. Now you freeze up 4 to 8 2 liter soda bottles with water (however many you can fit) . Stick them inside, turn the fan on and Boom cold air.

Now im not sure how well this works but the guy said it lowered the temp in his area ( not sure how big ) 10 degrees and said the bottles last around 6 hours or more i think. So basically you have some redneck a/c running on only the watts the fan takes, which isn't very much probably 25-50 watts for a desktop fan.

When i saw this i thought hey that could work for the grow area, but then i thought some may have smaller needs. you could probably even go with an igloo lunch pale and use some water bottles and a pc fan.

I'm not really recommending this yet its just an idea and i would like to see how it works and was curious if anybody else has tried this or uses this method to cool down the grow area.. I will be making a bigger one out of an average ice cooler first since i already have everything needed besides some 2 liter bottles. Then depending on how that one works, if i think its worth it im going to make one of the smaller versions and stick it straight in the tent to see if it helps.

Im doing this because at the moment the temps in my tent get up to 85 to 88 in the evening sometimes. Well peace guys i hope this is in the right section and i hope someone finds this useful.

P.S. Time to smoke a :joint: after all that typing.
I just had a thought to add that just came to me. So i think im going to try this idea first because it seems like it could really help and not take up a lot of space in a grow room. basically im going to make a small unit like i mentioned above and hook it straight up to the intake fan on my tent... all you would have to do is just run a small amount of flex venting from the intake to the cooler and make a vent on the cooler on the opposite side for the cool air to come out.. I think this could be very helpful to a lot of people and very cheap to do all you need is a small ice cooler/lunch cooler and a small space in your room.

Oh and if there actually is any interest in this i will post some pics of the unit i make and let you know if this actually helps lower the temps in my tent and for how long.


Active Member
Thermodynamics, laws, etc.

The amount of energy you put into keeping your room at 76f yadda yadda will be more if you keep transferring energy from yadda to yadda.... refreeze using more energy, transfer to cooler losing energy, fans using energy, ducts losing more energy. How is that more efficient than an a/c?

Did somebody seriously entertain this thought?
lol lol i did. for a day. i seen some videos on youtube about diy ac. looked promising i guess. my shed was just way to hot. metal shed......probably close to 150 inside. my grow box was in it and got up to 100 degrees. had to relocate.
thats to much work. i think im just going to buy a portable ac once the plant gets to big for the house. the guys was into for 72 dollars and wasnt even finish.