DIY Dosing


Hi everyone, DIY dosing is something that interests me as i love to investigate the benefits/effects of varying amounts of specific nutrients. I'm heavily involved in the aquatic plants industry and it is widely acknowledged that dosing in excess with N,P,K,Mg,Fe etc is highly beneficial within a heavily planted aquarium as the plant's leaves are left with nothing else to desire and can gorge themselves till their hearts are content.
Now i've just done my first grow and it was very successfull indeed (after implementing RO) I kind of flew by the seat of my pants and did what i thought was right, I did a few things wrong and learned an aweful lot.
One of the reasons i'd like to know about mixing my own ferts is because my tap water is ladened with N+P which had a clear effect on the plants when i was also adding the off the shelf Ionic ferts. When i established the issue i ceased dosing the ferts since there was ample N+P in my tap water, this obvioulsy lead to a defficiency in the micro nutrients etc so it was catch 22 till i aquired a new RO unit. I was then back in control.
I have access to many forms of fertiliser in their dry form and wondered if anyone has done anything similar in the past. I appolagize if this has been mentioned before.
Thanks in advance.

Oh, i grow using a 600w lamp with the plants in clay pebbles inside auto pots and dose Ionics, PK 13/14 and canna boost.