DIY Duct Mufflers?


Hello, I've just started my first grow and for ventillation I'm running fans through my cool tube with an additional high velocity inline for exhaust. I've connected that to a carbon filter/duct muffler already but im looking to reduce the noise of the 2 booster fans for the cool tube. My tent is in my room so the noise is getting annoying, so I'm looking to reduce that but I've already ran slightly over budget with everything so I'm looking to cut costs and as a bonus I'm not sure if these boosters will even be compatible with a duct muffler so I'm looking to go another route. I've ran a recording studio in the past and as a result I have a bunch of soundproofing foam so I am looking to use that in some way to create some duct mufflers. Any ideas if this would be possible/cost efficient? If so what are some ideas you have on how I would go about constructing one?

Keep in mind I am not too handy but I can follow instructions so if you could be detailed it would be greatly appreciated.


yeah I looked that up but to be honest it seems like it wouldnt save enough money to be worth the extra effort seeing as how these fans are not that loud. I was looking for a way to do a temp method with what I have to knock almost all the cost out.. I am now realizing this might be impossible and worst case I will have to get used to the noise


Active Member
What size is your fan? Do you have any tape? Bungee cords? Cardboard? 2 liter bottles? Even better 3L bottles? String? What is your tent/ grow space made from. I think you can do it with the foam


Active Member
Also, get a wrench or equivelant and tighten the nuts that hold the fan to the frame. If its the fan I own (6" booster), I had the same problem and tightening the bolts reduced the vibrations/noise.


hey there.

I think you could easily make a cheapo version of the inline duct muffler floating around the internet (

by getting two duct reducers (8" to 6") at home depot, lowe's, etc. and using a piece of carpet wrapped at 8" instead of buying the home depot clampable duct. Next, line the carpet with that mattress foam stuff (easy to find on craigsilst)

Attach the reducers to the carpet and fasten both ends of the carpet together at the "seam." The reducers will connect with the fan on one side and your 6" ducting on the other.

Hope I've been of help :)


No, I'm talking about bigger, louder, centrifugal types like the vortex, hydrofarm, or large can fan models