Want a stealthy vaporiser for on the go medicating?
Don't want to spend $100+ on a handheld unit?
Here's a very interesting alternative for you then.
Over the last few years I have been using 3D design software for my job and at one point I stumbled on a website called Shapeways.
This website is run by a company that does custom 3D printing on a one-off basis in many different materials.
(if you don't know what 3D printing is check this out: )
What this has allowed me to do is upload a 3D design and have it made and shipped for a fraction of the price of traditional manufacturing.
A very convenient function of this website is that you can choose to open up designs to the public so that they can order designs and have them shipped anywhere in the world too.
What I have designed is a handheld vaporiser. It operates in a similar manner as the popular magic flight launch box. There are lots of tutorials on the internet on how to make your very own vaporizer that looks similar to the mflb but the end product can be very poor quality depending on your own wood working ability.
Here is a link to a DIY thread for the MFLB:
So what do you have to do to make your own?
Order the 3 parts on this site:
2 pieces of copper wire
NiMH rechargable AA battery
1 inch diameter pipe screen
Can of pop
Construct the vaporizer in a similar method as the reddit DIY link, cut out a strip of metal from an aluminum can to line the SEV lid and voila you have your very own vaporizer for under $50.
(if you want to see a 3D image of each of the parts, click on the part and scroll through the image gallery to see a computer rendered image of the part)
Don't want to spend $100+ on a handheld unit?
Here's a very interesting alternative for you then.
Over the last few years I have been using 3D design software for my job and at one point I stumbled on a website called Shapeways.
This website is run by a company that does custom 3D printing on a one-off basis in many different materials.
(if you don't know what 3D printing is check this out: )
What this has allowed me to do is upload a 3D design and have it made and shipped for a fraction of the price of traditional manufacturing.
A very convenient function of this website is that you can choose to open up designs to the public so that they can order designs and have them shipped anywhere in the world too.
What I have designed is a handheld vaporiser. It operates in a similar manner as the popular magic flight launch box. There are lots of tutorials on the internet on how to make your very own vaporizer that looks similar to the mflb but the end product can be very poor quality depending on your own wood working ability.
Here is a link to a DIY thread for the MFLB:
So what do you have to do to make your own?
Order the 3 parts on this site:
2 pieces of copper wire
NiMH rechargable AA battery
1 inch diameter pipe screen
Can of pop
Construct the vaporizer in a similar method as the reddit DIY link, cut out a strip of metal from an aluminum can to line the SEV lid and voila you have your very own vaporizer for under $50.
(if you want to see a 3D image of each of the parts, click on the part and scroll through the image gallery to see a computer rendered image of the part)