DIY vs Pre-Made?

So i figure as much as im spending on bud, i might as well start growing my own, right? lol anywho..ive been checking out all the pre-made grow cabinets and its redickulous how much they cost! and seems like all the message board are all like "build one yourself its so simple" blah blah blach:wall: .. not for nothing, i am a girl so i might not be as handy as some people out there who can build their own. so basically im asking someone to hold my hand through the process lol im thinking i want a space of 3feet x 3 feet-ish im only looking for 2-3 plants then clone etc etc... I dont know what wattage to use, 250w-400w im very confused. im looking for something where i can leave the same bulbs in for veg and flowering. also bubbleponics or aeroponics or ebb and flow i dont know whats best!? also im kinda perplexed at how to install the fans in the cabinet. I honestly think i could build one i just dont want to buy what i think i need and then be sorely mistaken...can anyone link or list me what i would need (lighting, wattage, fans, etc..) its alot i know, but muchos grassyass for reading :dunce:
ps. just bought some bubbleicious and snow white feminized seeds yummy!



Well-Known Member
The larger the light the fan, in a small space like that you will have to air-cool your light.

To start building a grow space start with the basics;

Cannabis needs these things to survive and will use them in abundance. HID's get very hot so be prepared to drop a pretty penny on a nice exhaust fan if you go that route.

You may want to consider soil for your first grow too, hydroponics can be a little overwhelming when you first start. A bag of ocean forest and the proper sized pots will make your plants happy every time.

Good Luck!

Ps- Nirvana has good genetics I'm sure you will enjoy those two strains :mrgreen:


New Member
Click on the link to my grow I'd be glad to have ya and help walk ya through building one. The lighting is gonna depend on how well set up ur area is. A 400w would be best as more lumens per sq. Ft typically means more yield. And it should cover a 3x3 area very nicely however will u be able to vent the hood and have it exhaust out of the growroom? If not cfl may be best as the difference in heat output would make ur temps more managable. As for the technique I would say bubbleponics for a month then move to individual dwc buckets. The bp will help them finish faster and dwc is about as easy and maintainence free as it gets imo.
im thinking about using this size grow box -thing i guess 400w would be good ? but do i get HPS or MH? i noticed you live in oregon i live north of seattle and i would totally pay you like a thousand dollars to build me one lol and i live in an apt so i dont think i can exhaust anything out of the growroom to the outside cos well it would smell right? o and can i just put a fan in there to circulate the air? its pretty cold here so would the exhaust fans accually be needed to cool the grow room ?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
ok so here is some advice from me get 2 16x36 wire racks wire tie them together, they sell them everywhere from restaurant supply stores to walmart. then get yourself either some black/white polly( i used pond liner and mylar as that is what i had) and wrap them. dont forget the top and the bottom i find that if you cut a piece slightly larger than your total area and add abot 6" fold and tape to make a bathtub bottom, shit put those on first. Then get your self something for a door I went and got some cheap ass bamboo rollup shades from big lots cost 5 bucks. but those Zipper kits are cool too. If you use the wire rack method you can do everything from making 1 chamber or 2, one for veg and one for flower. get a 400 watt, if you were going to build 1 chamber get a magnetic ballast and ceramic metal halide. build/ or buy a cooltube. get a inline/ centrifugal blower. and build a carbon filter(super simple) i sould suck thru the filter across the light and then blow out, you could also if you are super paranoid put an inline bucket with ona gel between your cab and the outside.


New Member
im thinking about using this size grow box -thing i guess 400w would be good ? but do i get HPS or MH? i noticed you live in oregon i live north of seattle and i would totally pay you like a thousand dollars to build me one lol and i live in an apt so i dont think i can exhaust anything out of the growroom to the outside cos well it would smell right? o and can i just put a fan in there to circulate the air? its pretty cold here so would the exhaust fans accually be needed to cool the grow room ?
4x4 qould be a great start and a 400 would suffice though a 600-1000 would have a more impressionable footprint on ur canopy. I PERSONALLY would say go metal halide its not quite as efficient as far as lumens per wat( 130?)And u get a little leafiar bud but for me personally since I switched to mh exclusive trich production has increased 10 fold (not kidding or over exagerating) again this is a personal prefference many will tell u hps which is more efficient and will give u some nice bud swell but imo its to the cost of potency which is the name of.the game for me as I'm medical mainly for chronic pain. As for the exhaust that can be easily handeled and it is important. Its like being buried in a box otherwise after a while they would be sitting in pure air with no c02 cause the plant already used it. And the smell can be easily handeled with a DIY carbon filter. If I head out and build this for u (assuming ur serious) I can pick up or make up a list for you on exactly how to do it. Tom420 pasted a very very informative tutorial on here for a carbon filter. I followed it to a T and couldn't smell a thing on the other end. I am in an apt as well so I know ur pain and likey have some VERY creative ways around any possible problems. A fan is definetly a must 2 if ya can but u definetly want at least one oscilator in their mixin it up. As well a passive intake is neccesary or evn swingin a door every so often. Fresh air is extremely vital to ensure a harvest worth ur hard work.and yes the exhaust is utilized for cooling mainly as well to create negative pressure in the tent ( which in turn whilst sucking out old spent air the negative pressure combined with a passive intake will draw new air in combine that with an oscilating fan and a typical house should maintain an optimal temp ( unless were talkin a grow op) again I sent u a message via ur visitors board. Well have to get on a phone so we can discuss this and get a real plan together if ur seriously wanting to do this I would LOVE to help. This is my passion and if I can spark that interest in someone else it justifies all the money I spend and the hair I lose stressin lookin forward to hearin from ya and gettin the ball rollin :joint: