DJ Shorts Flo Strain

Hi Guys, hows it all going?
I would like to know if anyone has gown out DJ's Flo seeds and have got an extreme sativa phenotype.
I sprouted a few of the Flo seeds but ended up with just one strong grower. This one plant showed the typical
sativa shape and growth habit.
As it grew it looked more and more like a male which I was very happy about. Upon flowering it was well over 6
foot and the small buds where tight, spear shaped and just perfect with a floral dry leathery smell
The long branches carrying the small tight male flowers in semi close internodes.
The 7 leafed leaves are so thin and long that it looks like a 'pure' sativa'
I will be using this outstanding male to pollinate my Oz Sat Haze strain in the hopes I can replicate the petite look of this male plants flowers.
I think that DJ Short has created some fantastic lines with his breeding programmes.