Do I have a calcium def?


Was just wondering if anythings wrong with her. As u can see in the pictures her leaves have seemed to get lighter and with that small brownish rust spots have appeared at the edges. I gave her cal mag one last night yet I have seen no improvement (2.5 ml or a half a teaspoon per gallon of distilled water). I have a 96 w four lamp t5 and am also growing with FFOF soil and have not yet started adding nutes( botanicare) so what should I do? I've been told before that there's not even anything wrong but her redish purple stems have scared me a little. Thanks

train wreck bag seed
cal mag
distilled water
96 w t5
temps usually range from around 75-81
rh is about 40-50



Active Member
Just keep a close eye on them and check to see if the problem worsens... I'd play it safe and not add anything till your certain.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I think it would be safe to give them some cal mag and nothing else since you are using distilled water. I have never tried ffof but from what I've seen, small plants tend to look a little funky until they get used to it. They sure are deep green, I think they will be fine.