Do I Have a Problem? (with pics)

I have 3 very nice (Serious Seeds) AK-47 plants in their 7th week of flowering. They look very healthy. But some (very few) fan leaves near the top are starting to yellow and slowly become crisp.

Pics are attached.

The plants were vegged for 4 weeks in 100% Roots Organic soil. Then for flowering, I translpanted them into 7-gallon pots with 50% Subcool's Super Soil (on bottom) and 50% Roots Organic (on top). That was 7 weeks ago.

I've given them nothing but plain tap water for their entire life. But I don't think they need any extra nutrients, because they've been in never-used Super Soil for only the 7 weeks of flowering.

I may have over-nuted them last week by top-dressing each with a bit of Super Soil.

Heat is not the problem, because the very highest leaves are fine.

Trichomes: 50% clear, 50% cloudy.

Any idea what the problem is? Or maybe there is not a problem? Could this be normal for plants that are almost ready for harvest?



Active Member
this is totally normal my friend.

as the plant goes into dying mode, it sucks all the nitrogen from the leaves, therefore yellows them.

flush and crop asap