Do I Have To Have Nutes For Hydro????????


Active Member
Ok so im gonna grow hydro by nutrient film technique, (2 plants) but after seeing the high prices of nutrients I have huge question. Since the plant will double nearly in size when i start to flower, should i bother buying nutrients for veg since im just going to start flowering when its about 1 ft. tall? Im really considering Screen of Green tho, which may keep me from having to flower at such an early stage. But most of all, if 10-12 inches is as much as im going to veg, would it be bull shit to buy a jug of nutrients for that short time or is it still a must????


New Member
it is an absolute must. unlike soil, the only nutrients a hydro plant receives will be what you give it. it will be malnurished without nutes, and die of one or many deficiencies, just as you would.

but i'll let the hydro growers tell you if they've experimented with that.