Do I have to quit growing?


I was recently hired for a new job that I will have to be away from home Monday morning through Thursday evening every week. My current feeding schedule is every 4 days, is there any way to stretch this a bit? I am very passionate about growing and would hate to give it up.


bud bootlegger
there are a few self watering systems on the market that will water for about a week or so if memory serves me right.. these are premade units that you can order online..

or, you could set up your own rez and get some pumps and tubing and some timers that you can set in small increments, and rig up your own drip system...
it will take a bit of tweaking on your part to figure out exactly how long to set the timers for and how often to run them, but once you get it all dialed in, you could feasibly leave your plants for as long as you have water in the rez for..


New Member
Absolutely it can be done. Self watering systems as already mentioned.

I would never want to leave my grow op consistently fro that many days at a time but situations like yours just require a little tweaking. Be sure to "safety up" everything. You don't want to come home from a long week of work to a burnt down home with cops waiting with cuffs. Be sure all electrical issues are resolved, lights are secured, ect. This was my biggest worry when I first began being I also worked on the road M-Th night then.