Do I loosen the roots?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what to do here?
It's been a 1ltr air pot since seed 89/90 days and I'm going to repot it, should I try to loosen/prize the roots out or just plant it?
Also, I put spreader matt in the bottom of my air pots to stop the coco falling out, I'd normally pull it off but it doesn't look anything like this.
Would you leave it or remove it?
I've seen gardening programs on TV and they recommend loosening the roots, I thought that would have been another simple question but there you go lol....unbelievable?
I watched this video from Chef Derek Butt.. the video is called
Topping, harvesting and cloning mother plants.
You should check out how ruthless he is to the roots. He has another vid called topping your roots. Should check em out...
I use a serrated butcher knife and trim roots every transplant
When I first saw the video i was like wtf is he,,, nooooo,, he's murdering that plant hahahahaha always thought roots were so so fragile. Transplants were stressful haha trying to be as careful as I could be.. now, not so much
I remember re poting a plant without loosening the roots, when it was finished the roots that had grown after the repoting could be pulled of sort of like a shell, there were two distinct part to the root ball a inner and outer circle so to speak.
That was with regular pots I'm unsure if the same would happen with air pots?