Do I need an RO filter?


Well-Known Member
Soluble Salts ms/cmEC 0.13*
pH 10.03
ALK ppm CaC03 18.52
Calcium ppm Ca 16.92*
Magnesium ppm Mg 0.36*
Sodium ppm Na 15
Chloride ppm Cl 29.03
Boron ppm B 0
Iron ppm Fe 0.04
Manganese ppm Mn 0.01
Sulfur ppm S 5.34*
Copper ppm Cu 0.02
Zinc ppm Zn 0.03
Molybdenum ppm Mo 0.01
Aluminum ppm Al 0.85
Nitrate ppm NO3-N 1.91
Ammonium ppm NH4-N 2.41
N ppm Urea 0.07
Total Nitrogen ppm TN 4.4
Phosphorus ppm P 0
Potassium ppm K 0.15
I think you could get away without a RO filter, only Na and Cl a "issue" here, but still they are relatively low. I never found good data on these two elements and these plants.
My calcium carbonate is high. I hear that can react with things? This also makes my pH high. Never lived anywhere where the pH is 10.

Why a flood?
If your not a complete idiot you will not have to worry about flooding your house, unless you get a defective unit. IMO best place to mount it is in the garage where it doesn't matter if it floods plus there is usually a hose bib for water and some kind of drain near by to put the waste water tube.

I'm running RDWC and I'm just using a sediment/chlorine filter. I have city water that is fairly pure and fine for the plants except for the chlorine. The filter I got you can buy an RO adapter incase you decide you need RO.(hydrologic is the one I got)

If I were going to buy an RO I would probably get one from the grow boss as it seems like his is cheaper but works fine and uses a significant amount of less waste water.
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yeah aside from the very high ph, it is not that worrying. If it is a personal op where you can afford a trial, try once without a RO unit, and see what happens. you could even haul a certain amount of RO water from stores to try a small side by side and see for yourself. I personally think that a RO will benefit you, but i think that you can grow without. in a run to waste system i would be less worried.
If your not a complete idiot you will not have to worry about flooding your house, unless you get a defective unit. IMO best place to mount it is in the garage where it doesn't matter if it floods plus there is usually a hose bib for water and some kind of drain near by to put the waste water tube.

I'm running RDWC and I'm just using a sediment/chlorine filter. I have city water that is fairly pure and fine for the plants except for the chlorine. The filter I got you can buy an RO adapter incase you decide you need RO.(hydrologic is the one I got)

If I were going to buy an RO I would probably get one from the grow boss as it seems like his is cheaper but works fine and uses a significant amount of less waste water.

purewaterclub sent me a defective unit that leaked water through the threads on the clear 1st stage cannister.

Still never returned it. Waste of $100. Sure I cant return it now. I guess I could try some PTFE tape on the threads. It may have been too high of water pressure. shits like 10fps.

I do DWC.
But don't worry about PH 10@ EC 0.13 its very easy to direct it in any way because the water is almost clean (little elements) - to little PH UP/DOWN.

To put it in to perspective.. take 1L of RO water add 1 drop of Potassium silicate (or some other PH12-13 compound) and it will rise to 12/13 with a drop... do that to 10L of RO water - same result.

I would always pick PH10@EC0.13 than PH7@EC0.5
My calcium carbonate is high. I hear that can react with things? This also makes my pH high. Never lived anywhere where the pH is 10.

Why a flood?
Cause everyone leaves the room and walks away to do more stuff. Then in the morning you say....awwweee fuuuuck! I knew i should have run this on a float switch!