Do I need to top soil and can I?

IMG_20210425_130128288.jpg So I'm back with another question. I was feeding this morning and noticed visible roots at the top of my medium. So I'm wondering should I top soil or what should I do? 4 weeks into flowering now and like I said in my last thread I'm in back yard soil. On the other hand she's doing good.


Well-Known Member
They look nice, buuutt, what's that net doing for you? are you just using it for support? Open her up? Trying to reduce weight strain on the stems? I ask because there is sooo much wasted room. Is she an auto?
No first time, thought I try a scrog but didn't veg. long enough got to anxious . Next time I'll let it fill up. Have 3 bubblegum fem in veg. now but did a manifold this time around.
Also it's a og Kush, bagseed. First one so learning as I go. Bubblegum fems. from seedbank. Post pics later. Maybe get some feedback.