Do males produce crystals

i have been told that my plant is a male and to chop it but i got up this morning and it has started to produce them on the leaves below the white pistols can anyone advice me please


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd definitely have it's sex confirmed, before you kill it. It it indeed has pistils, it's either female, or hermie.


Active Member
Males are of only one use . Breeding programs. If you aren't doing that then get rid of it. If as you say it has white pistils then you might have a female. If you do not remove the plant and it turns out to be a male. Enjoy your seeded weed.

Ok just looked at your pics. Those are females or hermies. Look the plant over for banana hammocks. That's where the pollen will be. Pinch them off. Otherwise you have a female plant.


Well-Known Member
if you had a shit load of mature males you could make hash though right? not something i'd do, but i'm pretty sure they do contain some thc, just no flowers


Active Member
Pics are a little (ok, a lot) blurry, but the pistils are very visible in the second photo. When working with the camera, there should be a macro setting and that will help you with close-up shots. Like nailz mentioned, you will want to look for the male parts:

They are right in the crotch of the plant in the picture. If you don't see them, or if you see something that looks like that but with pistils coming out, you have a female plant with no hermie traits.


Well-Known Member
if you had a shit load of mature males you could make hash though right? not something i'd do, but i'm pretty sure they do contain some thc, just no flowers
thc has two functions, a sunblock for the delicate calyx's and pistils, and it aids in pollen collection. so Id have to say no that would be a tedious and pointless venture.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Confirmed ... Females or hermie

Male nugs begin as little nodal pollen sac clusters and then develop large clusters of this same shape all over, no white hairs

Study hermaphrodite pics for a bit and know what to look for, then give the plant another study

If it's hermie, you should still toss