Do marijuana plants reproduce new seeds, or do i have to buy new ones each time?????

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
If the male plants are left in the grow area you will get seeds but the quality of the buds will not be as good. If you remove the males before pollenation your buds will be seedless and of higher quality. You may want to grow seedless buds most of the time but then do a grow to get seeds occasionaly.


Well-Known Member
yes u can make ur plant produce its own seeds my having a male in the room or if u make it turn hermi and ull have fem seeds i think


Well-Known Member
Making a plant herm does'nt guarantee female seeds. It will produce some female and some hermie seeds, odds are they will have the hermie gene. Your best bet is to clone if you want to continue to grow the same kind of bud. At least then you are guaranteed females.


Active Member
it's just like a flower it has to be pollenated by a male plant. then the plant stop putting a lot of it's THC into makeing seeds. thats why seedie weed isn't that strong. and if it is then it would have been way stronger if it was a sensi.