do not know what sex plant is pictures

this is my first ever 1 i think its a male now but need a second opinion could u tell me how i done on my first 1 as well everything is nataraulIMG_20120619_004612.jpgIMG_20120619_004855.jpgIMG_20120619_004925.jpg
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Active Member
2nd pic looks like start of a male give it some time you will no for sure no hairs its a male simple as that


Well-Known Member
The only thing I would say is that in pic 2 the stump actually looks like it could be a new shoot. Granted males do show quite early, but the little stumps normally have a more smoother ball growing on it. That looks almost feathered a little at the end as if a leaf may appear. I could be wrong, normally I would say male as well. Monitor a few more days and you should know for sure.

Good luck,
