do plants take up salt and is that a case for misting when flushing ?


Well-Known Member
after deep thought i came to the conclusion that when i flush the salt out of my soil that i should mist the holy hell out of the plants in case there is salt in the plants that it takes up .

I fertilyze the plants somewhere in the middle of this process , and the plants look better , but not good enough , then i mist the holy hell out of the plants with water from a hand held mister .

I also flush several times each time I feed . i feed nutrients , and then wait a while , like an hour giving the soil and roots and plants to take in nutrients . then i wait a while and am trying misting the holy hell out of the plants to flush the plants salt and flush some of the nutes out of the plant by the misting with water in case my plants have to much nutes in them and salf in them . I end up flushing the soil several time after feeding nutes , giving some time inbetween flushes . I mist like holy hell several times after soil feeding with nutes . I do not foliar spray nutes any more . I feed the soil nutes .

Question . Do plant uptake salt if there is salt in the soil left over from fertilyzer ? And if this is true , is misting like holy hell the plants with water flush salt out of the plants ?

Welcome any answer or opinion .

Thanks for reading .

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I'm not sure on that one. Cannabis is a well known "accumulator" plant. It's been years since I read the quote but it goes something like this, " cannabis takes up toxins from the soil and puts them in vacuoles in the cells." I think vacuoles are the fluid filled insides of the plant cells. I can tell you that Chernobyl was planted in cannabis to help remediate the soil.
If by salts you mean metals like NPK then it will take up some obviously; in most cases if there is an excess of them you get burnt leaves so I'd have to say probably, but not 100% sure.
perhaps i am simply moisturizing . I tried to build a small DIY greenhouse to increase the humidity , but i did not have tiny fans to move constant fresh air around the plants . Due to that lack of constant air flow my plants became suffacated . My grow around has a room humidity of 5 to 10 percent . i removed my DIY green houseb . Now I am doing things to raise the humidity in the room , but I guess I need to buy a humidifier or vaporizer . I guess putting plants in a greenhouse has to have motors to move enough air flow through the greenhouse to keep the plants from suffocating . And I suppose a greenhouse needs a method to increase humidity or decrease humidity . And then temperature control would be the deluxe model I guess . So if plants don't get a lot of salt in their tissues , then all I am accomplishing is to moisturize the plant tissues when I mist them with water , since the humidity is too low in my grow room , my misting is just a temporary effect and has dimminishing returns .
