Do shorter and wider pots increase oxygen on the roots?

I was comparing 2 scenarios: in scenario A a plant is potted into a 10 gallon standard pot which is pretty tall and wide, whereas in scenario B the pot is still 10 gallons but this time a lot shorter in height but much wider and deeper, sort of squeezed down but of course the volume of soil must be assumed to be the same for comparison.

The advantages of case B might be (any opinions welcome):

1) The bottom layers of soil would be less compressed due to a smaller amount of soil covering it (the same as pressure in water, the deeper you go the higher the pressure due to all the layers above), this might maybe increase oxygen on the roots
2) Soil temperature would be much more homogeneous throughout the soil. In other words, less temp difference between top and bottom layer. Dunno if the plant would prefer this enviroment. :?:

Does this make any sense or my brain is just fucked up completely? :wall: