do shrooms make you yawn?


Well-Known Member
So it seems like everytime I take shrooms, when they first start kickin in I spend about half an hour yawning constantly, weirdest thing. After that I'm good to go. Any other similar experiences?


Well-Known Member
the mechanism of yawning is to cool down your brain temperature

so I am guessing your head's heating up while you're tripping. doesn't surprise me

find somewhere chillier with better circulation (if you're indoors) to trip and see if it helps


Well-Known Member
it makes you yawn just before it hits, my wife and I normaly wait for the yawns to start.


Well-Known Member
I always get the yawns. I hate the come up on mushrooms. About 20 mins in it starts with the yawns and I get really tired. There were times I thought I could fall asleep. After about 45 min I get a lot of anxiety. I start to second guess my decision on whether I should have taken them and the amount I took. That lasts for about 15min. After that, it starts hitting me and all anxiety goes out the window. I think the yawns and the pre-trip anxiety is part of the process. Almost like the "purge" when taking ayahuasca.

Once you take them enough, you recognize the patterns and phases of the experience. There is truly something amazing in these mushrooms. It's always a very "primal" or "primitive" experience for me. I can picture our ancestors thousands of years ago in a cave or around a roaring fire going on the same journey.

Little off topic, but does anyone else like eating towards the end?


Well-Known Member
I do really enjoy eating a good meal towards the end. And I yawn like a madman on the come up. I also tear like a little bitch. It got to the point where I try to take a good long nap b4 I ingest the "soul fruit". It actually helps some. I also drink a cheap energy drink once my stomach settles down. Yawn like a madman. How the heck does a madman yawn anyways?


Well-Known Member
Eating fruit is pretty awesome, keep lots of watermelon cubes and cold prunes etc. ready.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was the heads that made me yawn. I ate a 1/8 oz head once and freaking yawn 100,000 times it seemed. The stem (the next night) was extra strange too.. You want a balance of both if you ask me. lol