Do you feel a draft ...???


New Member
Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.) Has proposed a military draft that would include those 18 and older. Liberals ... What are your feelings, and conservatives, what are your thoughts on the issue?

Also, would it be a good idea, as many of our government "leaders" suggest, to have a two-year national service requirement of all citizens after leaving school?



New Member
Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.) Has proposed a military draft that would include those 18 and older. Liberals ... What are your feelings, and conservatives, what are your thoughts on the issue?

Also, would it be a good idea, as many of our government "leaders" suggest, to have a two-year national service requirement of all citizens after leaving school?

That was what made me do my service, I got lucky and wasn't killed. The only thing that would make it fair, no deferring due to influence, If the warmongers quit starting wars, we wouldn't need a draft!


New Member
Med ... So what is your stand? Do you agree with Rangel that we should have a draft? How about just a two-year national service requirement? Would you be in favor of that?
