Do you have to decarboxylate to make cannabis oil?


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to get high off of it. Do I still need to decarboxylate my hemp?

I've been making Herb oils for years and I haven't ever decarboxylate them.
I'm not trying to get high off of it. Do I still need to decarboxylate my hemp?

I've been making Herb oils for years and I haven't ever decarboxylate them.

No reason to decarb them if you aren't after a high. Lot of research showing the non-decarbed oils are as effective for meds as decarbed stuff.

I get a kick out of the peeps that decarb before making budder they plan to bake with. :D

On the issue of CBD - CBDA, I have no information, but THCA is at least not inferior to THC in medical properties. There are many studies on this topic.

There's a good write-up about it here.

It is worth noting another important advantage of THCA - the lack of psychoactivity. This removes strict restrictions on dosage and timing of drug administration.
Although, of course, THC is still present in its original form even without decarbolization.
From reading several articles on THCA. I've come to the conclusion that all Cannabis plants are THCA until heated. Like smoking. That converts the THCA into THC.
There's hemp cannabis plants that contain little thca (mostly CBD) and some 'drug' varieties, or so the tests say, which are legally sold in some states as THCA Cannabis.

I decarb herb before making oils used topically and alcohol extracts.
From reading several articles on THCA. I've come to the conclusion that all Cannabis plants are THCA until heated. Like smoking. That converts the THCA into THC.

That's the way it works alright. Lab analysis will show THCA and THC present then there's a formula to work out from that what the actual THC percentage is.

I have a few pounds of both THC and hi-CBD pot saved up to make into oil once the weather gets colder and we have some snow I can use for cooling my stills. Once I have the 2 big batches of oil made up I'll send samples of each to a lab in Vancouver to get potency tests done so I'll be able to make my edibles with known amounts of either or each in them. Only $60 each and I'm supposed to get a bit of a senior's discount too. The guy I talked to said to call and let them know how many samples I'll be sending and they send a kit you put your samples in and send it back. You give them a user name and some id for the samples then you can log in and download the results in a few days.

Around 130g of fresh RSO.

