Do you need mylar/panda plastic on the floor?


Active Member
Just got all my shit in the mail and im just wondering if I should panda plastic up the floor of my grow room. I got the walls covered along with the ceiling. Also, can I put the ballast in the grow room? As well as my odor machine? Or should they be placed outside?


Well-Known Member
a bit overkill if you go for the floor too, i would just go with a plastic lining or white paint - something you can mop and clean easily.

if you have no problems with temps then it is fine to keep ballast in grow room, as they so tend to get quite warm.

the odour (sorry - Brit spelling!) machine needs to go in the grow room.

if you have a in line fan feor venting, is worth getting a carbon filter - will get rid of ALL smells - jusst make sure you recharge the activated carbon granules every 5 grows.


Well-Known Member
Nothing needed on the floor.... mylar is the shit....been using the same mylar rap for 5 years.... just switched it out for new