I grow all kinds of stuff all year long. There's something for each season just got to plan ahead. I grow perpetually in my garden beds. I'm planting fall crops as I take out the spent summer crops. Some stuff will overwinter like onions and garlic. It's been a pretty good year. I canned another 4 pints of beans today and have some tomato sauce on the stove right now.
One thing that doesn't grow good at all is Okra. But that's because of the climate here in NW Oregon. I still try growing it and do end up with a few but hardly worth the effort. I'm pretty much just wasting space. We only have about a month of good okra weather before the night temps start to cool off. Maybe next year I'll start them indoors and put them outside for the hottest part of the summer. I think they need a good head start to be successful here. I'll try again next year.
Here's one of my 1 ft okra plants and the single okra on it.