Do You Read?


Well-Known Member
I like to read, I have a little personal library consisting of about 25 books so far. From cookbooks to books about philosophy to the bible to algebra textbooks from college...

What kinds of books do you read? How often do you read? How long have you been reading? How many books do you think you've read? Why do you read? Who are your favorite authors?

I like reading fact based stuff usually, things I can learn about. But lately I've been getting into the fiction genre.

I read something everyday, usually about 1 or 2 books a month.


Active Member
I'm currently reading Geworge Orwell's 1984, good book so far. I have a few books ranging from Cooking to Gardening (got a couple of MJ growing books on their way) to music production, but my collection is mostly made up of ficticous novels. I like researching things, the amount of reading i've done so far in the space of a week on growing Cannabis is silly lol but i done enjoy stories more than anything. I've been into reading as long as i can remember, even tried writing my own short story when i was 8 lol.


Only reading I do is on this bad boy with all the scholarly chaps. I'm currently dissecting Orwell's Animal Farm.


Well-Known Member
If you're into aliens and Dieties, check out contact by carl sagan. Great read.

Right now I'm reading fight club for the 2nd time.


Well-Known Member
I like to mix it up with both Fiction and Non-Fiction

Non-Fiction: Collapse by Jared Diamond (this one I would strongly recommend to you, Padawan)

Fiction: Snow by Orhan Pamuk and Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

On Deck: Augie March by Saul Bellow

I would be game for a RIU Book Club if anyone is up for it. I figure about a book a month could work for folks.


Well-Known Member
I really get into the current political commentary books that are out there. But in the past I've read everything from Chicken Soup for the Soul to ancient history theory books, etc. I don't read everyday. . . although I should, but I do get some good books in every now and then. I recently finished "Phoenix Rising" by Summer Rain. It's an interesting perspective on 2012.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently reading Geworge Orwell's 1984, good book so far. I have a few books ranging from Cooking to Gardening (got a couple of MJ growing books on their way) to music production, but my collection is mostly made up of ficticous novels. I like researching things, the amount of reading i've done so far in the space of a week on growing Cannabis is silly lol but i done enjoy stories more than anything. I've been into reading as long as i can remember, even tried writing my own short story when i was 8 lol.
Cool coincidence, I'm reading 1984 right now too. I saw it on the list of 100 greatest English novels a while back (along with 99 other books I want to read) and picked it up at Target. The world Winston lives in is nothing short of insane! A lot of us bitch about our society, imagine that one!

Only reading I do is on this bad boy with all the scholarly chaps. I'm currently dissecting Orwell's Animal Farm.
Another one that's one the list. :mrgreen:

If you're into aliens and Dieties, check out contact by carl sagan. Great read.

Right now I'm reading fight club for the 2nd time.
I did see the movie - thought it was OK, but I've read Sagan's Billions and Billions and that shit was fuckin' amazing so I'll definitely give it a look!

History books. Right now im reading a WWII book called no less than victory
I'm a huge history buff! Probably my second favorite subject after science.

I like to mix it up with both Fiction and Non-Fiction

Non-Fiction: Collapse by Jared Diamond (this one I would strongly recommend to you, Padawan)

Fiction: Snow by Orhan Pamuk and Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

On Deck: Augie March by Saul Bellow

I would be game for a RIU Book Club if anyone is up for it. I figure about a book a month could work for folks.
I picked up Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel last year and was pretty impressed by his analysis, my girlfriend ended up getting me Collapse for Xmas! I'm a bit before the half way mark of the book. The dudes done it again, Diamond's got a keen eye for other cultures and history.

Thanks for the recommendations!

I'm down for the book club.

I really get into the current political commentary books that are out there. But in the past I've read everything from Chicken Soup for the Soul to ancient history theory books, etc. I don't read everyday. . . although I should, but I do get some good books in every now and then. I recently finished "Phoenix Rising" by Summer Rain. It's an interesting perspective on 2012.
I see those on the bookshelves every time I walk into a Barns & Noble or Borders. I try to avoid the political commentary books. Even if it's from an author I agree with. The problem with those books in my opinion is that you only hear one side of the argument. The author takes one stance and pushes for it from his viewpoint. Especially these days.


Well-Known Member
I love anything by Huxley!
Currently reading "Island"
Any Non-fiction especially on the subjects of astronomy, botany, mycology, philosophy, etc...
I would highly recommend the author Edward Abbey, especially if you have been to, or are familiar with the south-western united states.
Some of Abbey's works include Desert Solitaire, Monkey Wrench Gang, Fire on the Mountain, etc.


Well-Known Member
I love anything by Huxley!
Currently reading "Island"
Any Non-fiction especially on the subjects of astronomy, botany, mycology, philosophy, etc...
I would highly recommend the author Edward Abbey, especially if you have been to, or are familiar with the south-western united states.
Some of Abbey's works include Desert Solitaire, Monkey Wrench Gang, Fire on the Mountain, etc.
Nice to know there's another astronomer on the forum...


Active Member
I just a read a absolutely fantastic book on the Iraq war called The Long Road Home by Martha Raddatz, I always check out the high school reading section at my Barnes and Nobel cause those tend to be some quality reads and I saw this rather new book and I'm a history buff and war buff so I picked this up. It goes in between early ambushes of a battalion to hard realities of life at home for families left behind. I read it in about a week its right around 300 pages and I'm a slow reader, so when I read books in a week that means I just couldn't put it down.


Well-Known Member
Nice to be acquainted, Nitegazer.
Im fairly new here.
There are some really "interesting" people on this site...
And by interesting it's very, very likely I mean stupid, lol.
I was happy to find this thread, to say the least!
I don't have a telescope anymore, but I do some long exposure astro-photography.


Well-Known Member
Im weading shutter island. First book ive just sat down and read on my own....Ever. All my other books ive read were for school and Kids books from when i was a kid.


Well-Known Member
I read every night before sleep... I go back and forth between regular fiction and sci-fi/fantasy. As I've gotten older I don't go for flashy stuff with lots of action, space battles, dragons, etc.. I find myself looking for well written books with well developed, complex, believable characters and plots. Authors like George R. R. Martin, Robin Hobb.

Occasionally I'll do some non-fiction - mostly science related or language/etymology. (You mentioned Bill Bryson - his language books are great... a lot more entertaining than you'd expect).

I've kept a pretty steady pace for many years, so I'm not sure how many hundreds of books I've read.